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2002-08-20 - 9:08 p.m.

Oh my god, I have the funniest friends. Earlier today, Julie came up with this theory about Andrew WK:

Just a thought. He has so much unconditional love for people and and inner light that blinds me so why not? America needs an X-treme party Jesus. Spread the word. Jesus is back and ready to party hard! But seriously, his behavior is so Christ-like and sinless. Does he ever have bad thoughts? I just can't picture it. He should be a huge rock star, but he plays these little clubs, bringing his message of love to the kids one sweaty dive at a time. He's Jesus!

That is the most genius epiphany I have witnessed all year!

Now check this out! Jackie was fortunate enough to not only MEET the X-treme Party Jesus, but to be picked up by him!

song of the day: Valeria del Mal Turf

penelope fact: Tonight, she let me pet her back foot for a long time. Unprecedented!!!

something queer: wanting expensive software and not being able to realistically afford it

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