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2002-08-07 - 5:05 p.m.

I had a very scary nightmare last night in which my parents were kidnapped by some serial killer, and I was trying to find them. Meanwhile, I knew the killer was coming after me. It involved a lot of strange sets � I don�t know where I come up with this stuff. Anyway, I was very tired today, so I imagine the nightmare made my sleep restless.

I LOVE to read about scary stuff, but god knows I terrify myself into a tizzy. The time I attempted to read Communion, I was about halfway through when I realized I would not be going to sleep that night. I hid the book and attempted to sleep with all the lights and the TV on. Eventually, I gave the book away.

Also, there is a website I love full of readers True Tales of the Supernatural, but I can only read it at work. God knows if I read it at home, that would be the end of that. And now, I am all anxious to see Signs, the new M. Knight Shamalamadingdong movie, but like I will ever be able to sleep again! Don�t forget my night terror a few months ago that I was abducted by aliens. Aimee made me a tape of some UFO stuff she wants me to see, but I keep putting it off because I am too much of a wuss.

Oh, let me relate this story! lol. Jackie and I were hanging my art Saturday night around midnight when we both heard 3 knocks. Penelope started barking her head off, so I went to the door, naturally. No one there. Checked the back door. Not a soul. Or maybe a soul. That�s just the thing � there was definitely a knock, but no one who could have done it. We were both scared and I �came up� with �something else� to blame it on. Thank god she slept over, or I might not have made it. The next night, however, was pretty frightening. I just lie in bed in the dark frenetically imagining the worst. I want to keep my eyes closed, but then I need to open them. But I don�t really want to open them and actually see anything, so I close them again. Then the compressor will go on in my A/C, and my heart will jump. So I try to think calming thoughts until I can just pass out.

So Monday morning, I heard the knocks again. I thought it was my landlord, but again, no one was there. Then suddenly, it hit me what a moron I am. Now that I have digital internet, my Yahoo! Messenger is always open, and 3 knocks is the default sound of a buddy arriving online. I have to change that shit.

I wish I could confront my fear a little better. It�s just that I am such a believer in supernatural stuff that the thought of actually having an encounter frightens the living crap out of me. My nutty brother in law claims he WANTS to be abducted by aliens. Not that aliens are supernatural, but they are just as *unknown* - ergo, just as creepy.

What does everyone here think about stuff like that? Looks like it�s time for a poll�

As far as supernatural stuff and Aliens go, where do you sit?
Aliens yes. Ghosty Demony things, No.
Aliens no. Demony Ghosty things yes!
on my ass you dumbshit!
It's all hooey!
I believe in all of it. And then some.

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Who/what is your favorite monster/evildoer?
Billy Corgan

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song of the day: Bike Pink Floyd

penelope fact: She is scared to go down the stairs at night.

something queer: Meat Footballs

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